Weekly Website Wednesday: Robot Frank

Robot Frank is as old as the internet. Robot Frank is an evil robot. Despite being evil, Robot Frank has many friends. Robot Ron is one of Frank’s friends. Robot Ron is distinguishable from Robot Frank, because Robot Ron is red. Another friend is the mysterious Red Ninja. The Red Ninja wears black, which is strange. I am unsure of what ethnicity the Red Ninja is under the mask. And everyone is friends with Bruce. Bruce is a rock star. Bruce is too cool to be hanging out with two robots and a ninja.

Robot Frank’s adventures are part of our forgotten secret history. You should educate yourself about Robot Frank and his teachings.

This has nothing to do with Robot and Frank. Everyone tells me that that’s a good movie. I should watch it sometime, but I think that I enjoy Robot Frank more than Frank Langella.

robot frank link picture

Weekly Website Wednesday: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages

I’ve been playing Skyrim a lot lately, so I’ve been visiting The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages so that I can actually understand what is going on.

The Elder Scrolls series actually has a huge amount of lore. It’s a real shame that they’ve been focusing on the generic fantasy aspects of it lately.

the unofficial elder scrolls pages link picture