Weekly Website Wednesday: Talk to Transformer

Talk to Transformer is text generator based on the GPT-2 machine learning language model. It generates coherent paragraphs of text from a user’s initial input. The results can be quite funny. For example, “You can survive in this kind of place…” generated on a machine-learning layer was actually one of the funniest paragraphs I’ve ever seen. And even better is its ability to tell you if it’s correct or not.

I recommend trying it out, you never know what might be humorous about it.

talk to transformer link picture

Weekly Website Wednesday: Comic Book Religion

Ever wonder what a certain comic book character’s religion is? No? Well, too bad, because yer gonna click this link, consarnit!

Comic Book Religion is a database of thousands of comic book characters and their religions, complete with references and scans from the relevant issues.

My favourite is that it lists J. Jonah Jameson’s religion as “hating Spider-Man”.

comic book religion link picture