Weekly Website Wednesday: Talk to Transformer

Talk to Transformer is text generator based on the GPT-2 machine learning language model. It generates coherent paragraphs of text from a user’s initial input. The results can be quite funny. For example, “You can survive in this kind of place…” generated on a machine-learning layer was actually one of the funniest paragraphs I’ve ever seen. And even better is its ability to tell you if it’s correct or not.

I recommend trying it out, you never know what might be humorous about it.

talk to transformer link picture

Weekly Website Wednesday: Epic Exquisite Corpse

epic exquisite corpse link pictureAn exquisite corpse is a collaborative drawing, where one person starts a drawing and then folds over the paper so only a small, unrecognizable portion of the drawing can be seen, then another person continues the drawing from that portion, folds over the paper and passes it on to another person, and so on and so on, until there isn’t any paper left to be drawn on. The paper is then unfolded to reveal a freaky, mutant drawing that is a combination of everyone’s styles.

Epic Exquisite Corpse is a huge version of this. It’s already huge with over 73,000 sections already drawn, but that’s out of a total of a million possible sections, so it’s going to be insane when it’s finished.

Anyhoo, go draw your own section. IT’S FUN!

Weekly Website Wednesday: Jeffrey Ventrella

jeffrey ventrella link picture Jeffrey Ventrella is a programmer. He worked on Darwin Pond and its later iteration GenePool, which are simulation games where little segmented critters compete and evolve in a little pool of water. In High School, I was obsessed with trying to figure out how to build the best swimmer in Darwin pond.

He also has other neat games, apps and information about fractals on his website.