Weekly Website Wednesday: Jheronimus Bosch, the Garden of Earthly Delights Interactive Documentary

Hieronymus Bosch was a crazy Dutch painter, who painted crazy Dutch things. Of particular interest is his triptych The Garden of Earthly Delights. Some modern-day crazy Dutch people made an interactive tour of the triptych. It is very interesting and crazy. Go look at it.

jheronimus bosch the garden of earthly delights interactive documentary link picture

Weekly Website Wednesday: Hojamaka Games

This week’s website feeds into one of my horrible, horrible addictions.

hojamaka games link picturesHojamaka Games is a one-person game studio. At least, I think it is. The website is mostly in Japanese.

In any case, I’m horribly addicted to Manomo Sweeper, which is a hybrid between Minesweeper and an RPG, and I can’t stop playing it.

Go play Manomo Sweeper. Go feel my pain.

Weekly Website Wednesday: Maria Lombide Ezpeleta

I was digging around in my thousands of bookmarks, when I rediscovered the website for this week.

maria lombide ezpeleta link picture I discovered Spanish artist Maria Lombide Ezpeleta way back when The Lord of the Rings movies were coming out. I was digging around the internet for more information about Middle Earth, when I found a gallery of a bunch of Tolkien fanart. Maria’s art stuck out to me, because it was so different from everybody else’s. I find her use of colour and exaggerated anatomy very striking.

Warning: some of her art contains naked people, if that’s the kind of thing that bugs you for some reason.