Weekly Website Wednesday: Plastic Living

You know how I like ancient websites that are still around? Well, Plastic Living started in 1998 and is still being updated today. It still has that early internet aesthetic, though, so I LOVE it.

Plastic Living is a website that catalogues the history of plastic products. I like plastic, because through plastic humans have achieved near-immortality. The pharaohs really should have filled their tombs with plastic. When I die, plasticize my organs before sticking them in the gaudiest canopic jars that money can buy.

plastic living link picture

Weekly Website Wednesday: Fragrantica

So, recently, I’ve taken an interest in perfume. Hey, isn’t paying exorbitant prices for stanky water kinda, well, stupid? Yeah, probably, but I’ve stopped caring about things.

Oi, hey, did you know that real perfumes are supposed to smell like more than one thing at a time? I usually just buy orange body mist, where the top notes are oranges, the middle notes are oranges and the base notes are oranges. I like citrus.

So, then I go to Fragrantica.com so I can learn about all the notes and sillage and whatnot of various perfumes and maybe start smelling like an adult for once, instead of ORANGES.

I especially like the purple prose that people use in their reviews there.

fragrantica link picture

Weekly Website Wednesday: Cat Cosplay of the Feline Variety

Cat Cosplay of the Feline Variety featuring, apparently, the world’s most accommodating cats wearing adorable cosplay outfits. It really is super cute.

I don’t know how they get the cats to wear the costumes and pose so well. I used to have a cat that would bite me in my sleep.

cat cosplay of the feline variety link picture

Weekly Website Wednesday: Fashion It So

This week’s website is another Star Trek website, because I can never, ever stop talking about Star Trek on account of my congenital nerd defect.

fashion it so link picture Fashion It So is a website that analyses the crazy clothing, makeup, hairstyles and accessories of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Ever noticed how teeny-tiny Captain Picard’s shorts are? You’re not the only one.

Why is there so much underboob in the future?

Why did the skant uniform have to disappear? It was totally awesome!

Anyway, go check out Fashion It So, because the fashion of the future is important and junk.