Weekly Website Wednesday: CAPalert

This week’s website is a holy website for good little Christians.

CAPalert link picture

Tom Carder is one of my favourite crazy Christian fundamentalists. On his movie review website, CAPalert, he goes into obsessive detail about how all your favourite movies anger God.

According to Tom, the following things anger God when they’re in a movie: cohabitation, two-piece bathing suits, tattoos, farts, butts, gay people, kissing, magic use, etc. etc. etc. He believes that all the Harry Potter movies should have been rated R.

His website is also somehow a nonprofit Christian ministry, so, yeah, that’s also a thing.

Weekly Website Wednesday: Fashion It So

This week’s website is another Star Trek website, because I can never, ever stop talking about Star Trek on account of my congenital nerd defect.

fashion it so link picture Fashion It So is a website that analyses the crazy clothing, makeup, hairstyles and accessories of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Ever noticed how teeny-tiny Captain Picard’s shorts are? You’re not the only one.

Why is there so much underboob in the future?

Why did the skant uniform have to disappear? It was totally awesome!

Anyway, go check out Fashion It So, because the fashion of the future is important and junk.