Weekly Website Wednesday: Coloring Book Corruptions

This week’s website is missing a “u” in its title, but I still love it anyway.

coloring book corruptions link pictureColoring Book Corruptions is a blog where innocent colouring book pages are edited and coloured in in such a way to suggest something much more sinister than the original artist intended.

It’s pretty funny. They even let you submit your own corrupted colouring book pages.

Weekly Website Wednesday: Scorpion Dagger

This week’s website is a a tumblr. Boo. Hiss. SJW bogeyman grrrrrr…

scorpion dagger link picture Scorpion Dagger, or James Kerr, uses Renaissance paintings, mostly of a religious nature, to make wacky, irreverent animated GIFs. If you ever wanted to see Jesus and the apostles getting turnt, he’s your man. Most of his GIFs loop pretty well, too, which is always the Holy Grail of GIFs. Some of the GIFs even feature the Holy Grail.

It’s pronounced with a hard G, by the way, and don’t you ever forget it.

Weekly Website Wednesday: General Grin

Do YouTube channels count as websites? Whatever. I’m featuring a YouTube channel as this week’s Weekly Website. Or, multiple channels, actually. Whatever.

general grin link picture General Grin does very funny edits of Star Trek. In them, Captain Picard is not the patient, smart benevolent leader we’ve come to know and love, but a sadistic, mass-murdering maniac. Unlike a lot of edits, General Grin’s TNG Recut series actually has a story and continuity between episodes, creating an wholly original series of its own.

Unfortunately, because General Grin uses copywritten content in his work, he needs to use multiple account to keep from being shut down. So, here are all his channels that I know of: Major Grin, Admiral Grin, TheGreatLink, Colonel Grin and Grin Reaper.