Weekly Website Wednesday: Comic Book Religion

Ever wonder what a certain comic book character’s religion is? No? Well, too bad, because yer gonna click this link, consarnit!

Comic Book Religion is a database of thousands of comic book characters and their religions, complete with references and scans from the relevant issues.

My favourite is that it lists J. Jonah Jameson’s religion as “hating Spider-Man”.

comic book religion link picture

Weekly Website Wednesday: Chief O’Brien at Work

Hey, have you ever wondered what Chief O’Brien from Star Trek: The Next Generation does all day alone in the transporter room? Well, Jon Adams has made a webcomic all about it and it’s really funny. You should go look at it and junk… or don’t. I don’t even care.

chief o'brien at work link picture

Weekly Website Wednesday: Coloring Book Corruptions

This week’s website is missing a “u” in its title, but I still love it anyway.

coloring book corruptions link pictureColoring Book Corruptions is a blog where innocent colouring book pages are edited and coloured in in such a way to suggest something much more sinister than the original artist intended.

It’s pretty funny. They even let you submit your own corrupted colouring book pages.

Weekly Website Wednesday: Jin Wicked

I really like supporting others, so I’ve decided to feature a new website of stuff that I like in a big ole link in my sidebar every week.

jin wicked link pictureThe first thing I’d like to feature is the art of Jin Wicked. I’ve followed her very funny autobiographical webcomics for many years now and I think you’d enjoy them to. She’s been trying to get back into being a full-time artist and the more eyes on her stuff, the better.