Weekly Website Wednesday: Fragrantica

So, recently, I’ve taken an interest in perfume. Hey, isn’t paying exorbitant prices for stanky water kinda, well, stupid? Yeah, probably, but I’ve stopped caring about things.

Oi, hey, did you know that real perfumes are supposed to smell like more than one thing at a time? I usually just buy orange body mist, where the top notes are oranges, the middle notes are oranges and the base notes are oranges. I like citrus.

So, then I go to Fragrantica.com so I can learn about all the notes and sillage and whatnot of various perfumes and maybe start smelling like an adult for once, instead of ORANGES.

I especially like the purple prose that people use in their reviews there.

fragrantica link picture

Weekly Website Wednesday: CAPalert

This week’s website is a holy website for good little Christians.

CAPalert link picture

Tom Carder is one of my favourite crazy Christian fundamentalists. On his movie review website, CAPalert, he goes into obsessive detail about how all your favourite movies anger God.

According to Tom, the following things anger God when they’re in a movie: cohabitation, two-piece bathing suits, tattoos, farts, butts, gay people, kissing, magic use, etc. etc. etc. He believes that all the Harry Potter movies should have been rated R.

His website is also somehow a nonprofit Christian ministry, so, yeah, that’s also a thing.