Weekly Website Wednesday: Jeffrey Ventrella

jeffrey ventrella link picture Jeffrey Ventrella is a programmer. He worked on Darwin Pond and its later iteration GenePool, which are simulation games where little segmented critters compete and evolve in a little pool of water. In High School, I was obsessed with trying to figure out how to build the best swimmer in Darwin pond.

He also has other neat games, apps and information about fractals on his website.

Weekly Website Wednesday: Recycled Movie Costumes

This weeks website is all about movie magic… that gets reused a lot.

recycled movie costumes link picture Recycled Movie Costumes is an archive of all the times that certain costumes have been reused in different productions.

If you think you’ve seen a costume used before in a different movie, then you probably have!

It’s actually pretty amazing that they’ve been using some of these costumes over and over again for decades, some even from pretty much the dawn of cinema. I guess that’s just testament to how well these costumes were constructed.

Weekly Website Wednesday: Discover Life

This week’s website is all about critters and leafies.

discover life link picture Discover life is a very useful encyclopedia of the world’s flora and fauna. I love how it has high quality photographs of so many species. I myself have used it to identify creepy crawlies and weird plants that I have never seen before.