The original Simpsons Shitposting group was hacked and shutdown, so go visit the New Simpsons Shitposting!
Weekly Website Wednesday: Simpsons Shitposting
Simpsons Shitposting is a Facebook group where people remix old The Simpsons jokes to make new, weird jokes.
It’s probably only funny to people like me, whose minds have been so ravaged that they can only think in Simpsons quotes, now.
Weekly Website Wednesday: Peckhamia
Peckhamia is a scientific journal for jumping spider enthusiasts. Jumping spiders are adorable! I love them! Arachnophobics are my enemy!
Weekly Website Wednesday: Pokemon Fusion
I’m Canadian so I can’t play Pokémon Go. This makes me sad, so I’ve been playing around with Pokemon Fusion, which is a website that generates hybrids between two different Pokémon.
Weekly Website Wednesday: Refurb the Cat
Refurb the Cat is an adorable three-legged kitty who likes to yell at things. YOU LOVE HER!