Weekly Website Wednesday: Jheronimus Bosch, the Garden of Earthly Delights Interactive Documentary

Hieronymus Bosch was a crazy Dutch painter, who painted crazy Dutch things. Of particular interest is his triptych The Garden of Earthly Delights. Some modern-day crazy Dutch people made an interactive tour of the triptych. It is very interesting and crazy. Go look at it.

jheronimus bosch the garden of earthly delights interactive documentary link picture

Weekly Website: Mystery of Time and Space

This week’s website is the most mysterious mystery that every mystified the world.

mystery of time and space link pictureCan you discover the Mystery of Time and Space? Probably not. Nobody can. It’s too mysterious.

Anyhoo, Mystery of Time and Space is an online adventure/puzzle game from the ancient days of yore.

And if anyone could tell me how to get its chat client to work, I would very much appreciate it.