I feel like playing the Price is Right fail sound for all of the United States right now.
Weekly Website Wednesday: Worst of McMansions
Worst of McMansions is website that breaks down just why cheaply and quickly made McMansions are terrible. My favourite are the pictures of house that have every possible architectural style you can think of mashed into one house, creating a horrible Frankenstein’s monster of a house.
Weekly Website Wednesday: Lord Kizzle
Lord Kizzle is another one of my favourite Star Trek episode remixers. I really have too many of these type of channels in my subscriptions, but that number is probably only going to increase when people start remixing the upcoming series.
Weekly Website Wednesday: Brandspotters
Brandspotters is a website that catalogues product placement of both real and fictional brands in movies and television. I’m mostly interested in the fictional brands that appear in multiple fictional universes.
Weekly Website Wednesday: Menswear Dog
Menswear Dog: It’s a dog and it wears people clothes. It’s all I ever wanted out of life.
Weekly Website Wednesday: Simpsons Shitposting *MOVED*
The original Simpsons Shitposting group was hacked and shutdown, so go visit the New Simpsons Shitposting!